why, what, for whom
Hello. My name is Janeshree, and I welcome you as you visit this space. A question you may have is, why and how did this come to be? The Quantum Radiance Clinic and Training Centre was created as a natural evolution of my journey over 25+ years of experience in the healing vocation, walking parallel paths as a medical doctor in clinical practice and as a healer in the more metaphysical domains of health.
In my work over time, I saw ever more clearly that the energetics of PRESENCE was the integral piece that tied everything together, health at any level. I was drawn to create and provide a space for the grounding, support and training for anyone seeking greater mastery in the art, science and medicine of their own presence. The Medicine of Presence came into being, as an integrated, quantum approach that addresses the multi-dimensional nature of health.
Core Pillars of The Medicine of Presence
Over years of fine-tuning and deepening my perception of what health really is, and is about, I found with increasing clarity, that it always comes down to a few key elements. These are the core pillars that are integral in the Quantum Radiance space:
What is health? What is being "healthy"? How does a human, healthy in mind, heart, body and spirit, interact with their life?
Between 1995 and 2010, the early pieces of the Quantum Radiance picture started coming together. My interest and immersion in the intangible (energetic, spiritual) aspects of health and healing, together with my parallel exposure and experience in the world of patient care and clinical medicine, allowed me ever deepening perspective of the "physiology of human health" and the question of quality of life.
Clarity grew on these questions, and remains a guiding principle, purpose, direction and invitation... that is built into everything that Quantum Radiance is about: Health is so much more than the absence of disease. It is to awaken each day fresh and eager with joyful anticipation of the days ahead.
Over the last 25 years, with hands on experience in healthcare, healing and the "miracles" of human life-force, I came to appreciate that what most consider normal, in the domain of health, was far from that. The parameters for normal somehow got skewed towards "functional" and "not-un-well", with a focus on avoiding pathology and deterioration of health.
The natural, normal state of being that is encoded and designed into the human system is far more than what most allow, it is one of ever-improving wellbeing and all the available energy that comes with that. Radiant wellbeing is our natural state of being.. it is my natural state of being, it is your natural state of being. The implications of this are great... amongst other things, that brings a very different range of normal to work with and live from.
It does, however, take some "growing in to" and getting used to, if the starting point was the old definition of normal. This highlights another fundamental reason for the Quantum Radiance work. It is to allow the space and support needed to make that transition to the more normal normal, and all that that brings with it.
The energy field we generate, regardless of what state of health we may be in, floods out into the space around us, impacting the people and world around us as well as ourselves. We always have a presence - the question is, what is the quality of that presence? Is it toxic or medicinal in nature?
Why does that matter? Although we are talking about subtle levels of human energy, energy that is concentrated enough will materialise in the world of matter - be it in our physical bodies, in our interpersonal relationships, in the experiences and things we attract into our lives. Energy materialises... our presence becomes matter. And that matters!
Of course, presence also refers to the ability one has to maintain a certain level of awake-ness, being alert to and with the moment as it materialises...
These are core concepts and forms the crux of the The Agents of Presence Clinic and Training Programmes (solo or group), inviting more skill and mastery in the art and science of their own presence, which becomes increasingly more a forcefield for healing within themselves and those around.

Discussions on Presence
an interview
An interview with Dr Janeshree Govindasamy a 20+ year medical doctor and healer who offers Retreats into Presence using the Enneagram among other modalities.
00:00 Intro 01:40 Who is Janeshree?
03:45 How she became clear that presence was integral to healing
07:20 How she relates to the Enneagram 09:50 Janeshree's identification of her type
11:30 Is quality of presence similar to 'essence'?
13:11 How does the Enneagram help us to become more present? Is there a process?
16:41 Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes's levels of awareness model
18:20 How did the Retreats into Presence come to be?
23:04 Does her group work touch on instinct work?
25:05 The limits of studying pathology when it comes to healing
28:22 How Janeshree integrates the HeartMath work
31:20 Is there a go-to presence practice that Janeshree uses?
33:28 How do we embody people?
35:30 The reason that the retreats are structured the way they are.
(Interview Host: The Practical Enneagram)