Friends and Family Day Workshop
A day to honour Type Nines in context.

15 Nov 2025 | 14h00 – 22h00 SAST | Virtual Event

Friends and Family Day Programme

Section 1 (Enneagram related information)

What is your Enneagram Type?*

How do you identify with your type?*

Retreat Participant?

Are you considering attending, or already booked for the Type 1 Return to Presence Deep Dive (5 - 13 June 2025)? If you are, then this, is already be included in your retreat package.

Are you considering attending, or already booked for the Type 2 Return to Presence Deep Dive (10 - 18 July 2025)? If you are, then these Friends and Family Day events are already included in your retreat package.

Are you considering attending, or already booked for the Type 3 Return to Presence Deep Dive (30 Oct - 07 Nov 2025)? If you are, then these Friends and Family Day events are already included in your retreat package.

Are you considering attending, or already booked for the Type 4 Return to Presence Deep Dive (19 - 27 June 2025)? If you are, then these Friends and Family Day events are already included in your retreat package.

Are you considering attending, or already booked for the Type 5 Return to Presence Deep Dive (21 - 29 August 2025)? If you are, then these Friends and Family Day events are already included in your retreat package.

Are you considering attending, or already booked for the Type 6 Return to Presence Deep Dive (16 - 24 October 2025)? If you are, then these Friends and Family Day events are already included in your retreat package.

Are you considering attending, or already booked for the Type 7 Return to Presence Deep Dive (11 - 19 September 2025)? If you are, then these Friends and Family Day events are already included in your retreat package.

Are you considering attending, or already booked for the Type 8 Return to Presence Deep Dive (07 - 15 August 2025)? If you are, then these Friends and Family Day events are already included in your retreat package.

Are you considering attending, or already booked for the Type 9 Return to Presence Deep Dive (13 - 21 Nov 2025)? If you are, then these Friends and Family Day events are already included in your programme package.

Any booking fees you pay now, for the friends and family days, will be deducted from your Retreat package fee, should you choose to participate in that.

Section 2 (Workshop Fee Options)

Workshop Fee Options*

This option is for students, participants from certain regions or anyone for whom this option a better fit. Please indicate below, the factors that are applicable to you.

Please indicate which apply to you:*

Do you live in any of the following countries?*

You have the option to pay a part of the total today (as a deposit). The remainder can be paid on completion of the workshop. Would you like to pay a deposit today?

Part Payment Options

Please enter the custom amount you are paying today:

Custom Rate*

Thank you.

Because you are already booked for the retreat, there is no additional charge for this workshop.

If you have any other questions, or requests - please add it to your comments above. And then continue to complete your registration.

Thank you.

Please check that you are happy the information provided above, before continuing.

Thank you.

Please check that you are happy the information provided above, before continuing.

Thank you.

Please check that you are happy the information provided above, before continuing.

Total: $ 0.00

This is a Quantum Radiance Angel Fund sponsored programme. We understand that affordability varies greatly in different regions and at different times with individuals. If this programme is indeed a right action for you, we have options in place to ensure that affordability does not stand in your way.