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deep dive retreats


Enneagram of Presence Retreats and Workshops

Group retreats, custom designed per enneagram type

Bookings for 2023 programmes are closed.  The 2024 calendar will be released soon.

Group retreats, custom designed per enneagram type

These are deep dive journeys to bring each person closer to their core essence, the specific quality of love that is natural to them, and their personal presence because of that.

These retreats are intense, deep dive experiences in a safe, supporting space specifically attuned for each enneagram type's core energy, tailored for the individual participants and each group. It is meant for those following a clear inner call from their own core to take a step closer, and are activated and ready to respond to that.

The scope of this programme is multidimensional, to allow participants to re-calibrate themselves within their own contexts, in both their outer and inner worlds. The facilitation of this is a delicate and carefully managed process requiring a holding space that is very specifically designed to make this possible. All of this is what the group will have at their disposal, for a journey of this nature. The objective is always - healthier partnership with one's Self, and the natural consequences of that on all levels of one's health and life.



17 - 24 OCT 2025

A Deep Dive into the Presence and Purpose of Enneagram One

The soft, serene, welcoming, enabled state when in total alignment and ease with the flawless perfection and order of Love’s living processes... SUCH A NATURAL RADIANCE OF LOVE… That is the essence energy that allows the joyful, easy flow of life-force within the elegant, exacting physiology of Love’s creations. It is the Love that discerns the readiness of depleted and damaged elements for restoration, embraces them and re-ignites them with their original purpose, and releases them tenderly, back into the cycle of life, to illuminate the living moment.

For anyone particularly sensitive to this quality of Love, being far removed from access and experience of that reality is excruciating and insufferable. With furious desperation, one attempts to recreate and impose some simulation of that perfection within and around one's self, as a protection against that pain.

A glimpse of some of the territory to be explored in this 1-week journey:

  • the harsh judge, the restraint and tightness within (and without), the sharp edges, the passions and driving energies of anger and resentment;
  • the journey from tightness to ease
  • the Serene Spirit, enabled, with certain heart and gentle mind
  • right action, purpose and presence... when in harmony with Love as Holy Perfection


"... regardless, nature is perfect in and of itself..."

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Type One
Family and Friends Day

for anyone who cares about type ones

18 October 2025 Sat, 

$50 entry fee

Type 1 Retreat 2024
(dates TBA)

The 2024 waiting list is open for names.



20 - 28 JUN 2025

A Deep Dive into the Presence and Purpose of Enneagram Two

The gentle, genuine, generous, grounded state when in total alignment with the Will and Kindness of a greater Wisdom from Unconditional Love SUCH A NATURAL RADIANCE OF LOVE… That is the essence energy that nurtures and heals, that warms up a chilled heart, that makes blessed those who fall at the feet of Love in true service. That is the energy that overflows from The Heart of creation, through the hands of the blessed, that enables Love to be actioned in the world.

For anyone particularly sensitive to this quality of Love, being far removed from access and experience of that reality is heart-breaking and harrowing.  Reflexively, frantically, one takes on the responsibility of simulating that overflow of love for others, as a protection against that pain.

A glimpse of some territory to be explored in this 1-week journey:

  • the leaning in and taking over, expectations, the currency of kindness and niceness, the viper in the corner, the passion and disguises of pride, the anger and pain of being unseen in plain sight
  • the journey from entrapped drudgery, to the freedom of true service
  • the tender spirit, of warmth, with humble heart and illuminated mind
  • right action, purpose and presence...  when in harmony with Love as Holy Will


"... Stop panicking, reach up and take my hand. You are not alone..."

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Custom  / Solo Workshop

If you prefer working on your own, in a customised 1:1 setting, let us know. 

Type 2 Retreat 2024
(dates TBA)

The 2024 waiting list is open for names.



14 - 22 MAR 2025

A Deep Dive into the Presence and Purpose of Enneagram Three

The luminous, grace-filled, natural, state of being when in total alignment with the light and truth of the innate beauty in all created... SUCH A NATURAL RADIANCE OF LOVE... That is the essence energy that infuses the bud, and fuels it to burst into beautiful blossom, filling the air with light and gladdening all around. It is the natural expression of the work of Love and the Law that Love creates by, the intricate details within exacting architecture, the excellence and unleashed potency, harnessed to a forward flow that vitalises life at all levels of being.

For anyone particularly sensitive to this quality of Love, being far removed from access and experience of that, is a numbing shock and a deep grief.  In frenzied activity, one tries desperately to simulate the expression of that beauty, compromising for counterfeit expressions of that, as a protection against that pain.

A glimpse of some territory to be explored in this 1-week journey:

  • the masks and the make-up, the stages and the roles, the value of value, the mercilessness of the endless race, the vulnerable heart, the unheard cry for help
  • the journey from shameful camouflages, to the veracity of unadorned beauty
  • the graceful spirit, of formidable bearing, beautiful mind and golden heart
  • right action, purpose and presence...  when in harmony with the Holy Law of Love

"... Behold and beware, unadorned beauty! It glows with great light…”


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Custom  / Solo Workshop

If you prefer working on your own, in a customised 1:1 setting, let us know. 

Type 3 Retreat 2024
(dates TBA)

The 2024 waiting list is open for names.



16 - 24 MAY 2025

A Deep Dive into the Presence and Purpose of Enneagram Four

The rich, fully quenched, deeply tranquil, lucid state of being when in total alignment with the lineage that originates from the Heart of Love through time... SUCH A NATURAL RADIANCE OF LOVE...  That is the essence energy that connects the present to past, illuminating the moment with life-giving depth and worthwhile realness. That is the essence energy that weaves the threads that link the hearts of every member originating from the family of love, and intensifies the beautiful significance of each one.

For anyone particularly sensitive to this quality of Love, being far removed from access and experience that reality, is a terrible exile and a dark abandonment. With blinding desperation, one searches for the living experience of that beautiful significance and belonging, clutching at any reflection of that, trying to conjure that, as a protection against that pain.

A glimpse of some territory to be explored in this 1-week journey:

  • the significant me, the pain of disconnection and fake connection, the masterful disguises of envy, the biting anger, the futile search to be understood and accompanied, the allure of the dark depths and dizzying heights
  • the journey from the suffering to belonging
  • the determined spirit, of equanimity, with restful heart and discerning mind
  • right action, purpose and presence...  when in harmony with Love as Holy Origin

"... I offer up my treasure chest of exquisite sadnesses and delirious delights, that I may enter here... "


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Custom  / Solo Workshop

If you prefer working on your own, in a customised 1:1 setting, let us know. 

Type 4 Retreat 2024
(dates TBA)

The 2024 waiting list is open for names.



15 - 23 AUG 2025



A Deep Dive into the Presence, Purpose of Enneagram Five

The uplifted, reverent, clear-minded, open state of being, when in total alignment and resonance with the deep humming vortex of the omniscient Mind of LoveSUCH A NATURAL RADIANCE OF LOVE... That is the essence energy that flows in the fertile spaces between an infinity of ideas, supporting and connecting them.  It is the love that receives and collects back into itself, the vast returning of intelligence from the realms of lived experience, extracting from that - delicious, defined clarity,  to fuel ever greater luminance to wisdom’s torch. It is the fuel and the light that provides for life to confidently inhabit the wisdom of reality, in realms of lived experience.

For anyone particularly sensitive to this quality of Love, being far removed from access and experience of that brings overwhelming darkness. In panic, one desperately seeks evidence of that torch of wisdom, pulling close anything that hints at that, and trying to substitute that flow from one’s own mind, as a protection against that pain.

A glimpse of some territory to be explored in this 1-week journey:

  • the pain and beauty of isolation, the quick-sand trap, the fluttering heart, shields of arrogance, the hostage to avarice, the fatigue of not knowing and of not being known.
  • the journey from panic on the path of the abyss, to trust on to the path of wisdom
  • the sage spirit of clear vision, serene heart and reverent mind
  • right action, purpose and presence... when in harmony with the Holy Omniscience of Love

"... Look, the stars painting on time's canvas and the dust in the sunlight dancing to infinity's music. I know now, for sure, Love has reason... "


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Custom  / Solo Workshop

If you prefer working on your own, in a customised 1:1 setting, let us know. 

Type 5 Retreat 2024
(dates TBA)

The 2024 waiting list is open for names.



14 - 22 FEB 2025


A Deep Dive into the Presence, Purpose of Enneagram Six

The clear-minded, sure-footed, deeply calm state of being when in total alignment and trust with the unshakable, sublime support of a Loving Intelligence beyond understanding…  SUCH A NATURAL RADIANCE OF LOVE... That is the essence energy that circulates between all that is known, all that is unknown and all that is yet to be known, that invigorates and replenishes the flowing life-force within all that is. It is that which masterfully and purposefully channels that flow, holding in place the essential infrastructure within which life can flow with unquestioning trust, confidence and certainty.

For anyone particularly sensitive to this quality of Love, being far removed from access and experience of that is a terrifying vulnerability. Afraid and uncertain, one rushes hither and thither seeking some assurance of certainty, clumsily sifting and sorting through known and unknown in one’s mind, trying to weave together some semblance of that, as a protection against that pain.

A glimpse of some territory to be explored in this 1-week journey:

  • the enticement of the coward’s path, the safety of uncertainty and certainty of the un-safe, the worrying mind and flustered heart, the accelerator-brake burnout, risk and resource, connections and betrayals, safety in belonging
  • the journey from panic in uncertainty, to faith in uncertainty, to fearless faith
  • the bold spirit, of composed nature, courageous heart and clear mind
  • right action, purpose and presence... when in harmony with Love as Holy Faith

"... walk with courage, there is nothing here to fear but love... "


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Custom  / Solo Workshop

If you prefer working on your own, in a customised 1:1 setting, let us know. 

Type 6 Retreat 2024
(dates TBA)

The 2024 waiting list is open for names.



19 - 27 SEP 2025

A Deep Dive into the Presence, Purpose of Enneagram Seven

Exquisite sensitivity, while motionlessly soaring and joyously free, in that quietly connected state when in total alignment with the magnificent plan of love unfolding itself…  SUCH A NATURAL RADIANCE OF LOVE… That is the essence energy that carries the gladdening dream from un-manifest to manifest, in a burst of celebration. That is the breath of love that opens doors to wide skies and unrestrained views of the utmost beauty of that which is, breathing life into that which is about to be.

For anyone particularly sensitive to this quality of Love, being far removed from access and experience of that is a profound pain and horror.  Agitated and desperate, one speeds off in search of that celebration, chasing glimpses of that or simulating expressions of that, as a protection against that pain.

A glimpse of some territory to be explored in this 1-week journey:

  • the restlessness, the dark side of the lightness and the light side of darkness, the harvesting and storage of ideas, connections, protections, companionships
  • the journey from the wildly flickering flame to the calm, steady light
  • the soaring spirit, of beautiful vision, quiet mind, and content heart
  • right action, purpose and presence... when in harmony with the Holy Plan of Love

"... The intoxicating perfume of what is yet to be, emanating from the still point in the moment… a joyful necessity to the dream-weaver... "

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Custom  / Solo Workshop

If you prefer working on your own, in a customised 1:1 setting, let us know. 

Type 7 Retreat 2024
(dates TBA)

The 2024 waiting list is open for names.



18 - 26 JUL 2025



A Deep Dive into the Presence, Purpose of Enneagram Eight

The soft, noble, innocently delighted, energised state of being when in total alignment with the truth and might of Love, and all the implications thereofSUCH A NATURAL RADIANCE OF LOVE... That is the essence energy that brings delicious fruition to that which was seeded. It is that power which gently holds the fragile newly-emerged lifeform, with steadfast tenderness, that clears with mighty sweeps, the path for full-fledged life. It is that which is the flow of full-fledged life.

For anyone particularly sensitive to this quality of Love, being far removed from access and experience of that is crushing and frighteningly crippling. In instinctive self-defence, one is compelled to arm oneself with razor edged shards of the broken reality of that, or to conjure some mirage of that, as a protection against that pain.

A glimpse of some territory to be explored in this 1-week journey:

  • the exhaustion of pushing forward, the unseen loneliness, the reputation game, the masks of confidence, the thrill of the challenge, the fierce caring - consequences and misunderstandings
  • the journey from false bravado, to fearless child-like aliveness
  • the noble spirit, of powerful focus, full heart and joyful mind
  • right action, purpose and presence... when in harmony with the Holy Truth of Love

"... open-handed, great-hearted and pure... in this I can trust... "


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Custom  / Solo Workshop

If you prefer working on your own, in a customised 1:1 setting, let us know. 

Type 8 Retreat 2024
(dates TBA)

The 2024 waiting list is open for names.



01 SEP 2024

A Deep Dive into the Presence, Purpose of Enneagram Nine

When a giant awakes, the earth does rumble.
Hearts awake and fear must crumble;
In the light of truth, what's fake is tumbled.
In Love's embrace stand tall and humbled.

"That which is, exists. Such is the radiance of Love..."

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Custom  / Solo Workshop

If you prefer working on your own, in a customised 1:1 setting, let us know. 

Giants Awakening Journey
(2024 - 2025)

6 - 18 month journey for those who are ready


Solo Retreats

1 person retreats, custom designed per individual.

These high intensity, deep dive retreats are designed to accelerate and deepen the personal shift that is being navigated, in a safe and supportive space attuned especially for the individual who has taken that on. These are meant for holistic, multidimensional, focused personal growth work for those with a strong commitment and availability to their process.

The duration of these retreats are generally 7 - 10 days, with preparatory and post-retreat 1:1 sessions in the weeks before and after the retreat itself. The online faciliation allows great flexibility with time-frames. It also allows participants to select a comfortable venue of choice (whether at home or elsewhere), with internet access and an undisturbed space being the only requirements.

The objective is always - increasing clarity, ease, healthier partnership with one's Self, and further mastery of  the quality of one's own presence.

Health is so much more than the absence of disease. It is to be joyfully alive, awakening each day fresh and eager with childlike anticipation for the day ahead.

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