Terms and Conditions

quantum radiance

Quantum Radiance a company registered in South Africa, number 2014/202038/07. Our registered office address is at 48 Devonshire Lane, Hilton, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, 3245. Dr Janeshree Govindasamy, MBChB, is the director and the service provider for any Quantum Radiance service or product, and can be contacted via email (contact@quantumradiance.org.)

Quantum Radiance services, resources and products are described below.  By agreeing to the terms and conditions here, you are acknowledging ­­that you are aware of the purposes and scope of these, that you are satisfied these may apply to you, that you agree with the parameters defined here for engaging and participating in any Quantum Radiance offerings.


Purpose of this Website

  • To provide information and support for anyone wanting to find out more or engage with any Quantum Radiance services, resources and products.
  • Provides contact information and a portal for direct communication with Dr J Govindasamy, as the service provider.
  • Provides a payment gateway for bookings or purchases.
  • Provides participants with a user account for secure login access to restricted resources and support material, access to order and purchase history, access to personal profile information.

Website privacy, is managed in accordance with South African Protection of Personal Information Act 2013.  (See privacy policy and cookie policy.)

By using this website, you acknowledge and agree to use of this website for the purposes stated.


About Quantum Radiance


All services are created, designed, directed, facilitated and managed by Dr Janeshree Govindasamy (hereafter referred to as “Dr JG”).  Dr JG provides integrated, health and wellbeing services to individuals.

  • The Art, Science and Medicine of Presence describes the specialized multi-dimensional approach used by Dr JG, made available through all Quantum Radiance services, resources and products.
  • The Quantum Radiance Online Clinic and Training Centre, run by Dr JG, has 2 primary functions:
    • “The Clinic” function relating to healing, recovery of health and balance.
    • “The Training Centre” centre function which refers to aspects related to teaching, guidance and mentoring as well as skill development and training that support of long-term self-sufficiency and wellbeing.
    • All Services, Resources and Products provide some combination of these functions.
  • Services include anything requiring direct engagement with Dr JG through:
    • Workshops / retreats / programmes (interactive, time period over a number of days or months, either in group setting or private (1:1) setting);
    • Consultations (1:1 sessions).
  • Resources include:
    • Courses (includes short self-study courses)
    • Supporting material, articles, videos etc.
  • Products Include:
    • The Radiant Affirmation Card Deck


Methods, programmes, facilities and products unique to Quantum Radiance:

These are unique methods, approaches, programmes and products created and faciliated by Dr Janeshree Govindasamy.

  • The Medicine of Presence
  • Agents of Presence
  • The Enneagram of Presence
  • Giants Awakening Programme
  • Awakening Radiance Programmes
  • The Radiant Affirmation Card Deck
  • The Quantum Radiance Angel Fund

By engaging with Quantum Radiance at any level, whether by browsing the website or by engaging any service, resource or product, you acknowledge and agree that these terms, and any associated logos, marks, content or methods are the intellectual property of, and copyrighted by Dr J Govindasamy. You agree to respect and abide by the laws that govern this.



Format and Structure of Services (Consultations, Workshops, Retreats)

Services include anything requiring direct contact with Dr JG

  • 1:1 consultations (sessions) with Dr JG
    • These are generally 90min in duration
    • Consultations are generally packaged as sets of sessions (e.g. 4 or 6) over a period of time (e.g. 2 or 3 months).
  • Short workshops (≤2 day, interactive group events). These can be engaged as stand-alone resources without necessarily including any 1:1 sessions with Dr JG.
  • Longer Workshops / Retreats or Programmes
    • These are planned workshops or retreats that run over 5-10 or more days, or programmes that run over a few weeks or months.
    • These may be within a group setting or in a private setting (1:1 with Dr JG)
    • These are always combined with 1:1 single sessions prior to and after, for maximum integration and support. 
    • These usually require discussion before engaging. 


Communication prior to committing or engaging

  • There is a direct line of communication to Dr JG, either through the website or through email, WhatsApp or phone-call.
  • Direct communication is necessary before engaging in any medium or longer term programme (either 1:1 or group). Prior to any commitment being made by either party, discussion is necessary to:
    • ensure that the services offered here are in accordance with your needs
    • any plan, process and package can be customized as needed for your personal needs

By engaging with any Quantum Radiance Service, you acknowledge and agree to the above. Dr JG reserves the right to determine if / when / whether she will take on any engagement, and to end any active engagement if there is reason to. 


My role and obligations as the Quantum Radiance Clinic and Training Centre director and facilitator (Dr J Govindasamy):

  • My absolute commitment to you, once we begin, is to support you through the process you have undertaken to the best of my professional ability.
  • To always work within the parameters of my personal and professional ethical code as a practitioner in the medical and healing sciences.
  • To inform you and maintain, the code of conduct that is applicable to you, in any process we are engaged in.
  • To maintain the confidentiality between us in any work we do.
  • To provide dynamic support in response to your individual needs, adjusting the pace and intensity of any Work, allowing always for your best interest.
  • To maintain a safe environment for you (including psychological, mental, emotional, energetic) to support your Work.
  • To combine in the right proportions, the following components:
    • Healing / recovery (and interventions to support that)
    • Guidance / Mentorship / Training (specific techniques or skills to support your self-sufficiency in the long run)
  • To advise of other input or interventions or paths that should be explored or engaged (outside of quantum radiance).
  • To inform you when there is need to stop or re-structure any process or plan, if things come to light during the work that require such adjustment/s.
  • To keep you informed if any changes in fees / programme schedules or structures, or anything else that may affect you.
  • To ensure the quality of the services and products provided are of high standard, and continually improve wherever possible.
  • To ensure that any support provided by my team, is of high standard, and that everyone is committed to the code of conduct and level of integrity expected.

By engaging with any Quantum Radiance service, you acknowledge and agree to the above.  You also accept responsibility to communicate your needs and keep me informed of anything of relevance that I may need to take into consideration in your ongoing support.


Obligations, Ethics and Code of Conduct by Participants

Participation in Interactive Work (either 1:1 or in group settings)

  • The nature of this type of work requires a certain code of conduct, by both the facilitators and the participants in any process. In order to properly engage in this nature of work, there must be a mutual trust between all participants in a process. These code of conduct guidelines are there to support that.
  • Any participants should be familiar and agreeable this general code of conduct, and their part in maintaining a safe environment for themselves and others.
  • This is applicable to any interactive, live engagements (group or 1:1).
  • It is also applicable to when accessing any support material (such as replay-segments from live sessions).
  • The following is required:
    • Confidentiality of personal information and personal content shared in any processes, discussions or exercises.
    • Mutual respect when others are speaking in group settings.
    • Mutual respect for each other, one’s own boundaries and the privacy and boundaries of others.
      • If one is witness to another experience or story, that may not be shared with anyone outside of the group or space of the programme.
      • If one is witness to another’s experience or story, through authorized access to certain replays or course material, the same applies (as above).
    • This right to privacy extends to one’s self as well. As an individual you have the right to keep your privacy, within and outside any session or programme.
    • Anyone engaging in this kind of work should already have a good idea of the code of conduct and ethics in these environments. However, if there is any need to clarify anything here, participants are encouraged to ask for that clarity up front, or at any time.
  • The code of conduct and guidelines will be revisited at the beginning of any new programme and as need along the way, with anything more specific in relation to that session or segment, being made clear.


In committing to any programme that involves your exposure to other participants, whether or not in the live-interactive environment, you are agreeing to abide by this code of conduct. We reserve the right to take action against anyone who engages in unethical or inappropriate conduct in breach of this agreement, including immediate dismissal from the session or programme they are in. 


Online Interactive Platform (usually via zoom)

  • All interactive sessions are held via zoom meetings unless otherwise specified.
  • Links will be provided via email, WhatsApp, or via the website (eg, on completion of booking or on specific support pages for some programmes).
  • It is the responsibility of the participants to be clear on the time and date of the sessions, and to convert for their time zone accurately.
  • All online sessions are interactive and participatory, unless otherwise specified. This will require participants to be visible on video.
  • It is recommended that one familiarize themselves with the basic platform (eg. zoom) before any event. It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that they are set up comfortably on their side, with the physical and technical setup, and ask for help timeously if there is any problem foreseen or being experienced. If need be, contact us, we will assist you or run a test call prior to any sessions.
  • During group discussions, participants that are not actively sharing, are requested to keep their audio on mute. On occasion, participants will be requested to switch off their video feed.  Familiarity with the basic controls are necessary.
  • In general, most sessions are recorded for internal purposes, as per Quantum Radiance policy. All recorded are stored securely, and are only available to Dr JG (exceptions being where participants are provided limited access to edited replays, as part of the specific programme they are engaged in.) 
  • Recorded sessions are used as follows:
    • For internal review and quality control. We are always striving to improve the quality of the services, and review is a critical part of the internal process allowing us to do that. 
    • For obligatory record-keeping.
    • For replay (available only for certain programmes, with secure access of replays for qualifying participants only.)
    • Use of any recorded material, outside of obligatory internal purposes, such as when used to provide participants with replays, are edited to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of all concerned, within the scope of the programme it is meant for. Where replays contain sensitive material (e.g. sharing of personal experiences), those segments are excluded, or used only included with explicit consent from those participants.
    • On occasion, individuals may be invited to participate in interviews for sharing in the public domain. This is always done with full consent of those invited, with clear understanding of the purpose of the interview. 


By using the resources and services provided by Quantum Radiance, you acknowledge your awareness and consent to engage through the interactive online platforms, in agreement with the above terms and conditions.


Participants Website User Account:

Any purchase or registration for any services or resources will require a user account on the website. Please see privacy policy for more details on how your personal information is handled and your rights in relation to that.

The purpose of the user account:

  • to facilitate and manage any bookings or purchases
  • To provide login specific, secure access to relevant course or support materials. This may include segments of replay content from workshops attended. And as such are limited via login to authorized participants only.

User Responsibilities:

  • The use of your account and safety of your password is fully your responsibility.
  • You are not permitted to share account access or any resources available through login access, with anyone else.

You acknowledge the purpose of your user account on the website, and accept the responsibility to abide by the above. If sensitive, secure content is misused or made available either deliberately or inadvertently to anyone else, you will be held liable for the breach of security. Measures will be taken at the discretion of the programme director. This may include revoking access to Quantum Radiance resources and stopping any further participation in any current or planned process.


Fees, Payment Terms and Options

Fees for services:

  • 1:1 consultations are generally packaged as a set of sessions (eg. 4 or 6) over a period of time (eg 2 or 3 months). The fees are determined by the package that is agreed upon after discussion and mutual agreement.
  • Workshop / retreat fees are generally available on the website, or on enquiry.
  • Payment terms (duration and number of payments) can be discussed and arranged according to one’s personal need, during the initial discussions prior to committing / engaging.

Costs for Resources:

  • This would include any self-study short courses or short workshops (≤1day duration).
  • Pricing will be available on the website, or on enquiry.
  • Bookings and payments can be done via the website, prior to the start of the course /event, or off-site on request.

Costs for Products

  • The prices for the decks will be available on the website.
  • Courier costs will be added over and above the purchase price of the deck/s.
  • Purchase can be made via the website.


Changes to the services or fees:

We reserve the right to adjust or change any services or fees.

  • These changes will be posted on the website, or sent out as notices.
  • If you are already actively involved in any process or programme, that may be affected by any changes, you will be notified personally. The impact of any adjustments on you will be minimised to ensure that there is as little disruption as possible in your process.


Fee Adjustments (The Quantum Radiance Angel Fund)

This is a facility activated and available from 01 January 2023, for anyone who needs financial relief regarding their programme fees.  The Quantum Radiance Angel Fund allows for a limited adjustment in the fees, to allow the participant to commit an affordable amount towards the programme, and still  benefit from the full value of the programme.

  • This is only for those who legitimately require the relief, and show a very strong commitment to participating in the programme in question. 
  • It is expected of participants, that they use this facility with integrity and fairness, in a responsible way that takes both themselves and others (who may need access to this support) into consideration.
  • The availability of the QR Angel fund facility, and degree of relief offered may vary for different events, or be changed at any time. This is at the sole discretion of QR management. 
  • The programme director has full authority to determine the extent of support that can be offered to any participant at any given time. 
  • If it is perceived that certain participants are abusing the use of this facility, their bookings may be cancelled and they may be blocked from any future participation in any QR programme. 


Payment gateways and security

  • Payment may be made by credit/debit card via Our Website, or through online payment links on your invoice, or by direct transfer to our bank account.
  • The following online payment gateways are available via our website or via invoice links: Peach Payments, Paypal, Payfast.
  • Card payments are not processed through pages controlled by us. We use online payment service providers who will encrypt your card or bank account details in a secure environment.
  • Card details are not stored on our Website. Cardholder details are directly transmitted from your browser to the payment gateway systems. Our staff and systems do not have access to card details at any point in time.
  • Payment will be due to us within the period mutually agreed between us.

By engaging with and making any payments to Quantum Radiance, you acknowledge the above, are satisfied with your options for payments and agree with the terms and conditions above. 


Return and Refund Policy


The radiant affirmation card deck is eligible for return and refund within seven days after the date of the receipt of the goods. This is in accordance with the Electronic Commincations and Transactions Act 2002. If you are not satisfied with the card deck for any reason, or it did not meet your expectations or there is an obvious defect on receipt, please notify us within 7 days so that we can provide you with appropriate support.

  • You may return the deck and request either a full refund or a replacement (excluding any courier costs).
  • Alternatively, you may return the deck and request that your refund amount be credited for use in another Quantum Radiance service or resource.
  • On receipt of the returned item, we will, as far as is possible, comply with your request or compensate you adequately.


Services and Resources:

These are non-refundable.  If, after booking and payment, you change your mind and no longer wish to participate, the payment amount can be converted to a gift voucher or coupon and used anytime within a 6 month period. 

The exception is in the following circumstances, where refund of payment your will be an option:

  • An error in your online purchase or booking via the website (that you can substantiate, and that you bring to our attention within 48 hours of that payment). In this case, we will either refund you or redirect your payment for use in an alternative service or booking.
  • Your booking is cancelled by QR management (see below), in which case the full or pro-rata amount will be refunded.

On purchase / booking any quantum radiance product, service or resource, you are agreeing to the return and refund policy here.


Cancellation of bookings by Quantum Radiance (QR) Management

At the discretion of the programme director and or any authorised member of the QR management team, a participant's booking of any service (workshop, retreat, 1:1 or group) can be cancelled at any time. 

  • Quantum Radiance management reserves the right of admission for anyone entering any programme, and the has the authority to cancel a booking if necessary, at any stage up to the day of the event.
  • Reasons may include: information has emerged during discussions that makes it clear that the programme would not be in a participants best interest, participant has a health issues that would make them unfit for certain programmes, or situations of conflict of interest, or breach of code of conduct, or any other legitimate reason that may present itself. 
  • Regardless of whether the participant is in agreement with the reasons provided, it is the right and obligation of QR to cancel a booking if it is deemed necessary.  
  • In these cases, the participant's payment will be refunded in full (if not services yet rendered) or in part (if some services already rendered).  Participants will also have the option to transfer their payment to another programme, or convert to a gift voucher.

On booking any quantum radiance service or resource, you are acknowledge that QR reserves the right of admission to any programme, and has the authority to cancel a booking if there is a valid reason. 


Taxes, import restrictions

  • Prices are exclusive of any applicable value added tax or other sales tax.
  • If you are not in South Africa, we have no knowledge of, and no responsibility for, the laws in your country.
  • You are responsible for purchasing Services which you are lawfully able to import or use and for the payment of import duties and taxes of any kind levied in your country.

On purchase / booking / payments for any quantum radiance product, service or resource, you are agreeing to the above.


Disclaimers and limitation of liability

The law differs from one country to another. This paragraph applies so far as the applicable law allows. All implied conditions, warranties and terms are excluded from this agreement. If in any jurisdiction an implied condition, warrant or term cannot be excluded, then this sub paragraph will be deemed to be reduced in effect, only to the extent necessary to release that specific condition, warranty or term. Our Website and our Services are provided “as is”. We make no representation or warranty that the Service or the Work we provide specifically to you will achieve the target or intended results. We disclaim any obligation or liability to you arising directly or indirectly from information you take from Our Website. You agree that in any circumstances when we may become liable to you, the limit of our liability is the amount you have paid us in the immediately preceding 3 month period for the Services concerned. We will not be liable to you for any loss or expense which is:

  • indirect or consequential loss; or
  • economic loss or other loss of turnover, profits, business or goodwill even if such loss was reasonably foreseeable or we knew you might incur it.

This paragraph (and any other paragraph which excludes or restricts our liability) applies to our directors, employees, subcontractors, as well as to us. If you become aware of any breach of any term of this agreement by any person, please tell us by email.  We welcome your input but do not guarantee to agree with your judgement. Nothing in this agreement will be construed as limiting or excluding our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence.



You agree to indemnify us against all costs, claims and expense arising directly or indirectly from:

  • your failure to comply with the law of any country;
  • your breach of this agreement;


Miscellaneous matters

If any term or provision of this agreement is at any time held by any jurisdiction to be void, invalid or unenforceable, then it will be treated as changed or reduced, only to the extent minimally necessary to bring it within the laws of that jurisdiction and to prevent it from being void and it will be binding in that changed or reduced form. Subject to that, each provision will be interpreted as severable and will not in any way affect any other of these terms. The rights and obligations of the parties set out in this agreement will pass to any permitted successor in title. When you visit Our Website or send messages to us by email, you are communicating with us electronically. We communicate with you by e-mail or by posting notices on Our Website. You agree that all our electronic communications satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. Any communication to be served on either party by the other will be delivered by hand or sent by fastmail service or recorded delivery or by e-mail.

It shall be deemed to have been delivered

  • if delivered by hand: on the day of delivery;
  • if sent by post to the correct address: within 72 hours of posting;
  • If sent by e-mail to the address from which the receiving party has last sent e-mail: within 24 hours if no notice of non-receipt by sender 

In the event of a dispute between the parties to this agreement, then they undertake to attempt to settle the dispute by engaging in good faith with the other in a process of mediation before commencing arbitration or litigation. So far as the law permits, and unless otherwise stated, this agreement does not give any right to any third party. The validity, construction and performance of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa and you agree that any dispute arising from it shall be litigated only in that country.

By engaging with Quantum Radiance, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions here.


All communication and queries can be directed to Dr Janeshree Govindasamy via email (contact@quantumradiance.org).

Health is so much more than the absence of disease. It is to be joyfully alive, awakening each day fresh and eager with childlike anticipation for the day ahead.